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Dr. Isabelle Côté

Dr. Isabelle Côté is originally from Sherbrooke, a city located on the unceded territories of the Abenaki. She has worked for several years in education in British Columbia. She teaches in the Faculty of Education at Simon Fraser University in teacher training. Among other things, she is interested in issues of decolonization and indigenization of education in a minority francophone context. Her doctoral research focuses on the challenges and successes of integrating Indigenous perspectives into the French immersion program (kindergarten to grade 12).

Dr. Isabelle Côté has worked in the field of education in British Columbia for almost 20 years. She teaches at the Faculty of Education at Simon Fraser University in teacher training. She is interested, among other things, in questions of decolonization and indigeneization of education in a French-speaking minority context. In British Columbia, since 2013, all trained teachers must take a course on indigenous perspectives. Since 2016, indigenous perspectives have also been integrated into all school programs, from kindergarten to the end of secondary school. Isabelle works in this educational context which requires critical reflection on the decolonization of publishing as well as ways of integrating indigenous perspectives into different school subjects and teacher training.

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